March 27, 2017

Around 7:15 this morning, still a tad cool outside. Absolutely lovely. Finishing up the latest in the Topsail mystery series. Some people are just plain bad–ooh. This one is a scorcher. Will try to have the cover photo out in a couple of weeks.

Already starting a new book–different genre. I’ll let my readers know more as it progresses. Thank you readers.

Quote: The word belief is a difficult thing for me. I don’t believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing, and then I know it. I don’t need to believe it–Carl Jung.

writing tip: It is very important to trust yourself when you write. As in all things in life, you should trust your gut feelings and that means you should be in touch with yourself. If you’re not sure you’re in touch with yourself, then you aren’t.