May 27, 2017

Real dunes at the south end of the island. If you check out the photos on the outside of the library in Sneads Ferry you’ll see a picture of the dunes when they were big and voluptuous; fishermen have their dory ready to take to the sea. Geez, they were gorgeous dunes then. All this dune-age brings me to info about my new project–JUST ADD WATER–the title of the book I have just begun. This will be a bit different from my last three books- this will be a romance-sort of. Anyway, my characters Murdoch, Callie and Rick are well on their ways to living, loving and conniving. Ahh–such is life! The opening chapter has to do with dunes, or the lack of them. It’s always exciting beginning a new project.

QUOTE: Wit as an instrument of revenge is as infamous as art is a means of sensual titillation–
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

Writing Tip: There was a line in a Stevie Ray Vaughn song-‘life by the dropper full’- squeeze the dropper when you write.