June 5, 2017

Oh goody, goody, goody! And a couple of jumps for joy! Here is my new baby! It’s almost here.
Don’t ya just love the picture of the tower–so ominous. Yep, bad stuff is happening at the tower–oooh.
The photographer is Chris Van Atta, a local dude with gobs of talent for seeing what is around him and capturing it at just the right moment. Geez, we have so many talented people on Topsail Island.
So—stayed up late last  night to add the finishing touches–nothing is easy when it comes to producing a book. But it is all a labor of intense passion–so rewarding.
Hope you like this book. Differing opinions from my beta readers on the content, but one thing holds true about THE TOWER– it is most definitely filled with more complexity and profundity of thought. One reader said that she got to truly know my characters this time around. Ah well, hope it proves a good read for many. This will be the last murder for a while. Working now on that lil’  ‘ol luv story, y’all.
Oh yes, and please come to Surf City Summer Market on Tuesdays and Pillage the Village Arts and Crafts market on Thursdays in Topsail Beach and don’t forget,  all of my books are on sale at The Mermaids’ Purse–a really cool spot with even cooler arts and crafts from locals.
THE TOWER will be out next week –

QUOTE; It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise other than analytic- Edgar Allan Poe

WRITING TIP: Someone said to write what you know, sometimes I think I know very little. If a little is all you know, then write just a little. It is better than writing a lot of idealized reality.