July 16, 2017

                LIFE STINKS
Out and about today, checking out the water–the sound. Geez, it was mighty peaceful–t’was nice.
Low tide comes along slowly, so does the smell that comes with it. Low tide is all about life; its beginning and ending. You can see it. Hermit crabs are out, fiddler crabs are scuttling along the marsh searching for food. Little fish are making sure they don’t get stranded in the mud.
So much life comes from the sound where bigger fish come to spawn, shrimp are doing it too, other shell fish, all sorts of sea life (including sharks and rays) come to the sound where there’s food and safety.
All that life is another world and it has a particular smell. I liken it to collards cooking or when I was a kid and would pull the covers over my head and let one rip.  Anyway, I’ve come to love that smell–it’s life.

QUOTE: There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle-Albert Einstein
QUOTE: Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing-Camille Pissarro

WRITING TIP: stay amazed at what you are capable of.