October 3, 2017

               THE MUHLY IS HERE
     And it keeps getting more and more brilliant as the weather cools. Enjoy it now, because after the first or second frost it will once again fade into its dormant bland colors.
     Had a wonderful class last night at CFCC–exciting new format and exciting new students that have added so much to discussions. If you missed this one, please sign up for Spring–that class will start the last week of February and will last only 6 weeks.

(a side note: the article about Barbara Lee and the haunted house is now out in Livin’ Out Loud magazine. Issues can be found at the Hampstead Library, and several shops in Surf City. Copies should be at the Sneads Ferry library and Senior Center by this afternoon.–Thank you Barbara).

     One of the things I tell my students is to not expect perfection. No one is perfect– especially with their first attempts. I had a friend say something to me today and since they are a friend I appreciated their honesty–my friend is one of my beta readers and I value her opinion and trust her explicitly. She said she was so delighted about how much my writing has improved–paraphrasing, she said, ‘it was hard for me to get through the first book but now your writing is so improved. I really enjoy the stories.’
     I have to admit, I have re-read some of my first stuff, and though it sold well, I cringe and wish I could re-write it. But alas, it is what it is, and a first book is just that, a first book–an intro to what you have to offer. Be proud of that first book, and if you keep writing, (as in living) you will continue to grow and improve with time and experience. It takes giant cojones to put yourself out there–actually it takes a self awareness that few possess.
     Another friend of mine mentioned one time that he re-read THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA and was disappointed that it did not read as well as it had when he had first read it. I believe he was seeing style and content for the first time–realizing things about his own writing–a good thing. THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA is considered one of Hemingway’s finest novels. Would it be considered so today? Again, the question, story or style? More than not, good is subjective–remember this. If you value an objective person’s opinion, believe it and move forward.
     Keep writing, keep believing. The results are so fulfilling.
QUOTE:”There is  nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self”–Ernest Hemingway.
WRITING TIP: you can re-write until you’re 80 and re-write some more. There comes a time when you have to get over yourself and be satisfied.