January 14, 2018

Hmm—how’d that happen?  At least I still have my arches. Oh yes! this is a blog about writing–Started my new book THE MERMAID DID IT (the fourth in the murder series). Learning lots of stuff.
PELAGIC–the love story– is at the editor’s. Hopefully it will be out the end of this month. Got  my fingers crossed.
 I was reminded, as I wrote the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  page for PELAGIC, of how much I learn when I write a book. So many people offer ideas and info, even inadvertently, I am always learning.
We do nothing on our own, sometimes others carry us, hold our hand, point a direction or stimulate us in some way.  Isn’t that like, WAY COOL.

QUOTE: “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” – Bruce Lee

WRITING TIP: Never think you do it alone–research and listen.