March 10, 2018

Just a few years ago! Ha!. Twisting to the Beatles in the early sixties-I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND-if I remember correctly. I’m in the background-Debbie Schafer is in the front and for the life of me I cannot remember the name of the two boys. Notice the knotty pine paneling of this ocean front home. Wow–good times.
Working on THE MERMAID DID IT and Joey (one of the characters-a dog who just happens to have the same name as my own ankle biter) is in the way so Carrie says get back Joe to the tune of the old Beatles song and so i think of the Beatles and that makes me think of Debbie Schafer and the beach. And so it goes-one thing reminds me of another and my little fingers get to typing.

QUOTE “If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.” Margaret Atwood
WRITING TIP: Just begin–you can and most likely will change that beginning.