June 17
Plum Duff–an English dessert–so I like to think of my short stories as fun stuff. The gal on the book is my sister back in the day–and this is our beach, Topsail, Surf City–or at least that is how we used to think of it–ours, because we loved it.
My sister is visiting me this week. My, how things have changed. Nevertheless, we will enjoy our beach, reminiscing and making new memories.
THE MERMAID DID IT is at the editor’s–and I have the cover ready. Stay tuned to this channel to see it–any day now.
QUOTE: “The sunrise, of course, does not care if we watch it or not. It will keep on being beautiful even if no one looks at it.” Gene Amole
WRITING TIP: I get ideas for stories everywhere. It is just a matter of not being afraid to write the idea down–not afraid of being judged or that it might be a complete mess. Face the fear you are most afraid of, writer–