November 1, 2018

November 1, 2018

We’ve all got them…a mom and dad. These are mine.

This photo was taken in 1944 at the Swing Club in Hollywood, CA. World War II was raging in Europe and Daddy had just left  Samar–a little island in the Pacific (big battle was there at that time). I’m not too sure about the specifics, but my father’s records say he was there–he was a Corpsman–so I guess he was busy–anything else, he would never talk about. All I know is that he was an interesting man. He was tough and had such integrity.

Keeping my parents alive, plus the other folks in my life, is what I do. My father, mother, all the cool characters I’ve met and known–loved, laughed with, hurt with, been a victim of, are in the pages of my books. Their personalities are emblazoned in my brain–I see them as clearly as if they are sitting beside me. Man oh man, writing is such a fantastic thing to do. Thank you Jesus!

This Saturday, Nov. 3, the Jacksonville Library is having their 2nd annual AUTHOR FAIR. Local authors will be their to share their wealth of experiences and vast imaginations thru their books. Please come–from 2 to 4–the library is located at 58 Doris Ave.

C U there.