Archive for March 2019

duh dunt, duh dunt…..duh dunt, duh dunt

Bad dude, like-really bad dude. Just around the corner–coming this spring. SHARK’S BREATH is set for its launch May 25 at the Quarter Moon. (more to follow on that in subsequent posts) QUOTE: ” It has always seemed strange to me–the things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are…

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Nice sharky

SHARK’S BREATH is almost finished! Only a few thousand more words and my baby will be ready to go. Very excited about this one, especially since I spoke to so many experts, trying to gather knowledge and make sure certain things were correct. Let’s see, police, detectives, US Marshal, and this year I spoke to…

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Every year about this time I pay  homage to my favorite flowers by posting them swaying in the breeze. Well, I found this old pic the other day and decided that this one might do this year. I’ve always loved Daffodils–the poem too by Wordsworth–the stuff about wandering lonely as a cloud and then finding…

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how sweet it is

Some days there are no words. Actually, there are no words at anytime. Just imagine what exists below all that calm. QUOTE: “Sponges grow in the ocean. That just kills me. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be if that didn’t happen.” Steven Wright 🙂 WRITING TIP: Analogy: This is you-the writer. All…

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