This photo is from 1959 and is where the little pink art shop and Island Inn are now. Kinda sparse back then, huh? You better believe we kids had a ball and such freedom–my, the freedom. It certainly was a different way of life back then and perhaps it spoiled some of us for the rest of the world and the “thinking inside the box” way of life. (of course, there are some hold outs) ANYWAY, life was good, life is good and you roll with the flow. Can anyone tell me who these kids are?
QUOTE: “I don’t know whether your heart ever necessarily changes, but time changes the way that you perceive the world. And you just hope it gives you more empathy and all those other things.” Mark Knopfler
WRITING TIP: Alas, there was no summer creative writing class, but for sure there will be one in the fall. I’ll keep you posted on the dates. In the meantime, Gather ye rosebuds and keep them safe somewhere- we’ll write them down in class.
The sunrise is always amazing. It’s the birth of a new day-a new beginning. We get another chance with each new sunrise. Now, doesn’t that sound lofty and optimistic. Rather, as I sit here poised to write another sinister story, I think- what can my character be pissed off about today. It’s sort of difficult mustering another grouchy malcontent when I see beautiful sunrises, and the weather is gorgeous and wonderful people keep coming into my world. Ah, the toils of being an author. Think, I’ll go drive around the roundabout-and check out the trash on the beach-that should do the trick
QUOTE “Feelings aroused by the touch of someone’s hand, the sound of music, the smell of a flower, a beautiful sunset, a work of art, love, laughter, hope and faith – all work on both the unconscious and the conscious aspects of the self, and they have physiological consequences as well.” Bernie Siegel
WRITING TIP: writing is all about regurgitating feelings
Wow! what 57 years will do to a place! Things sure have changed. This photo is of the island in 1962. Times change, people change, the landscape changes and maybe even our memories of the past change too. Topsail certainly was never never land back then, but we had no doctor, no dentist, and only the Superette for grocery shopping. However, we had plenty of sand dunes, clean water, clean beaches and the island seemed to belong to the residents. Someone once told me that everything is a compromise–hmmm.
Pining for the past will not bring back those simple times, so I like to look back with love and fondness–keeping my head in the present, realizing that there have always been dirty birds in politics and business (the forces of change) To those entities, I say in my best Southern accent, “God bless ya, sweetie.”
QUOTE: “I think if you’re going to abuse someone, you really have to convince them of two things. First, you have to normalize what you’re doing, convince them that it’s not that bad. And the second thing is to convince them that they deserve it in some way.” Tara Westover