If you’ve ever been in one of my writing classes you may have heard me talk about skiffs, sailboats and tankers. I liken them to people and thus to characters. All three, the skiff, sailboat and tanker
traverse the water; each can handle different amounts of what the ocean has to offer. People experience a whole spectrum of emotions. If they have experienced only a small amount of what is out there, never venturing into deep water, then they are a skiff, but the oil tanker–ah, he does deep water all the time. Some people are skiffs
some are sailboats and some are tankers. I don’t ever want to be a tanker. There are things I never want to know, things I don’t want to feel. So it’s a sailboat life for me. As for the characters in your life-ask yourself what they are. Which are you and why?
QUOTE: “We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.” Aristotle Onassis