Ob la di, ob la da

August 31, 2019

Life does go on –until it doesn’t anymore. In the meantime we all do our best-(or at least what we think we are capable of). Some people sleep well with their choices, others do not. ALL THESE LITTLE THINGS, the 6th book in the mystery series, is about those people and if you’ve been reading the Topsail Island Mystery series, you know of whom I write. I like to think that my books are not just murder stories but are about the ups and downs, the struggles, disappointments and joys we all have in our lives.

QUOTE: “Life is not linear; you have ups and downs. It’s how you deal with the troughs that defines you.” Michael Lee-Chin

Writer’s tip: Class starts Sept. 9, Y’all come now. Gonna be fun! CFCC Creative Writing–Carol Overstreet