Just a little sneaky and freaky

May 29, 2022

This latest series, The Blue House Series, is nearly another book longer. THE SNEAKY FREAKY, is being wound up and I’m nearing the end of this 2nd in the series novel. This book takes place mostly in Sneads Ferry, but everybody knows that Topsail and the Ferry are kind of like kinfolk. The first book in the series, TOPSAIL ISLAND TANGO,  is out and available on Amazon. A few other stores on the island carry Tango, but it seems they are going faster than I can deliver them. Still I’m expecting deliveries soon.

I’m really enjoying working on the Sneaky Freaky, I like the characters and am getting such a blast talking to people from the 1960s era.  I thought I’d give you a little glimpse into what is going on.


She heard Pittikitie purring as he rubbed against the chair. Its one eye glaring with the flames and the other dull and milky. “You’re ugly as hell. You do look like a devil cat.”

Pittikitie mewed softly and jumped to Naomi’s lap. He lay curled there, purring, his warm body in competition to the fire. Naomi’s hand slid softly against the cat’s fur. “Sorry boy, I don’t mean anything by that. You can’t help being ugly no more than Roy can help that I don’t love him anymore.”

The words startled her.