Blowfish cover
Off to the printer, manuscript and cover. So very excited to get this baby done. I love the cover, the back is great too and I’ll add that later. For now, check out Amazon in a few days if you want to order one and check with me or with local stores in about two weeks. I will be at the first Topsail Beach Market May 25 and hopefully the books will be there on time. If not I will post when. Thank you so much readers. Hope I don’t disappoint.
Hi Carol Ann.
I’ve just found your books and – as Topsail is my favorite place in the world (and hopefully my home in about 4 years) I would love to start reading all of them!! Can you suggest where to start? I found The Tower first but I’d rather start wherever you think is best.
Much love to you (and Topsail in 66 days!!!)
Hi, thanks so much for contacting me. My first book about Topsail is THE DAYS OF HAIRAWN MUHLY. Please peruse my blog and it will give you a list of my books.
sorry I have not gotten back sooner. I am truly computer dumb! The first in the Murder series is Waterlogged. The first in Topsail Island Trilogy is The Days of Hairawn Muhly and the first in the Blue House series is Topsail Island Tango. thanks and hope this helps.