The Blue House series

January 1, 2024

This is the Blue House Series…so far. Presently I am working on the fourth book, Serenade of the Cattails. It’s always a thrill when I reach the halfway mark when writing a book, and I’ve done that (plus a bit more), I’m happy to say. Topsail Island Trilogy, The Sneaky Freaky and Blowfish (pictured on the beach and in the beach grass) were so fun to write, but fickle as I am, I’m loving Serenade more than any of them. My characters keep growing, experiencing, failing and picking themselves up. And then there is always the butthead, the nefarious antagonist that we all have known at least once in our lives. They are so much fun to write.

Here is a little excerpt:

The memory of conversations and their meanings ebbed as Mim stretched her legs out along the sofa and rested her arm against the back of it. She perused the view from the window, the greenness of Greenfield Lake. Everything seemed to be touched by a soft spring greenness. Lily pads floating there beneath long spiny branches of the cypress trees, casting long shadows over the water, they too held the color, though it was darker. 

It was all so beautiful and Mim was glad that she’d been able to get an apartment across from the lake. 

In the distance , she could hear the crisp laughter of children playing on the swings or monkey bars or perhaps lining up to take a ride on the paddle wheel boat that toured the lake. She’d been on it a couple of times and listened to the boat captain tell the history of the lake and how the gardens of azaleas were planted and nurtured. He pointed out alligators, turtles and cranes, herons, egrets and other birds that made the lake their home. 

“It’s beautiful here,” Mim said aloud, though she did miss living at the beach. But it was nice being closer to town, to the movies, bowling alleys and restaurants. And she thought that perhaps there was more to life than Topsail Island.

Dear readers, do you really think Mim can resist the pull of Topsail Island and the ocean?