February 24, 2018 Sugar Island Bakery will be hosting an author signing. Five local authors will be attending. (More info on the authors will be posted shortly)This should be an outstanding event with. authors answering questions, telling you a bit about their books and sharing the writing experience. Hope you’ll be there to enjoy the ambiance with a warm drink and one of the bakery’s yummy desserts.
Hmm—how’d that happen? At least I still have my arches. Oh yes! this is a blog about writing–Started my new book THE MERMAID DID IT (the fourth in the murder series). Learning lots of stuff.
PELAGIC–the love story– is at the editor’s. Hopefully it will be out the end of this month. Got my fingers crossed.
I was reminded, as I wrote the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT page for PELAGIC, of how much I learn when I write a book. So many people offer ideas and info, even inadvertently, I am always learning.
We do nothing on our own, sometimes others carry us, hold our hand, point a direction or stimulate us in some way. Isn’t that like, WAY COOL.
QUOTE: “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” – Bruce Lee
WRITING TIP: Never think you do it alone–research and listen.
The pelicans are out and about, love watching them glide through the sky. I still think they look like prehistoric pterodactyl creatures. Makes me think about time and exactly what it is.
QUOTE: “Time is like the ocean, always there, always different-” Ogden Nash
WRITING TIP: often when I write I lose track of time and before I know it hours have passed and I haven’t even noticed. I love those times when there is not time, when I am lost in my art. This is the goal.
Obviously it was a frigid night. But what a beautiful morning as I awoke to all the snow. Hope it hangs around for a few days, it is so beautiful. Sharing a few pictures I took while walking on the beach this morning.
too pretty for words
snow angel
little sandpipers, their feathers puffed out for warmth
not much traffic.
HAPPY NEW YEAR Y’ALL. Hope 2018 brings good health, modest wealth (too much money corrupts) bluer skies, slimmer thighs, good mental state, less hate, support from above and lots of love.
This photo was taken in ’66 –geez that was so long ago. I vaguely remember sticking my tongue out at my sister as she snapped the photo. Rarely did I take the bathing suit off and my bed was always sandy. Momma used to get mad about that; I never understood why, the sand didn’t bother me at all.
QUOTE: “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happinesss”-Charles Spurgeon
WRITING TIP: you have to truly love writing to put yourself through the emotional torture of it.
We better enjoy this day–tomorrow it’s going to be way too cold to walk on the beach. The pelicans are out checking up on things–dolphins are out too. Loving the beauty and the simplicity of nature.
Tidying up PELAGIC, yep, that’s what I’ve decided to title this latest book–the romance. Then it is off to the editor and hopefully out the end of January. Got my fingers crossed. Thanks to the many for encouragement, advice and ideas.
QUOTE: “In character, in manner, in style, the supreme excellence is simplicity.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
WRITING TIP: Too many adjectives, too many explanations, too much of anything–there is a fine line when it comes to over doing something–my advice is to keep it simple, let the reader dress it up with their own imagination.
CHRISTMAS morning at the beach
Joy and peace to you all. Have a wonderful day.
It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood
A beautiful day for a neighbor…
well, we know how the rest of this little ditty goes.
And what a glorious day today has been. I love an N C Christmas,
QUOTE: “You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are”– Fred Rogers
WRITING TIP: Dig deep inside yourself to find your characters.
From the workshop–hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. Peace and Joy to all. Hope the New Year brings good health and lots of good times.
QUOTE: “And now that you don’t have to be perfect, be good”–John Steinbeck
WRITING TIP: in writing, it’s not about being perfect, it’s about relating to the reader.
Sort of chilly our there lately, but it’s bound to warm up sooner or later. Still wrestling with the title for the new book–AS DEEP AS THE OCEAN, ALL THE OCEAN, PELAGIC–these are the three that I’ve narrowed it down to. Could really use some help in deciding. please send ideas to my facebook page, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is a society where none intrudes,
By the deep sea and the music in its roar.
I love not man less,
But nature more.
–Lord Byron
In the story Callie (main character) is pained by the changes brought about by progress on Topsail Island. Then there are other changes in her life beyond her control with which she must contend, and choices she must make–the only constant in her life has been the ocean.
WRITING TIP: To write, you must use everything–all of you.