Author: Carol Ann Ross

It’s always pretty, it’s always what I need. Thank you God. Doesn’t being where you feel good make you want to be good to other people? Even the ones that have been kinda shitty to you? I wish everyone good health and success. Keep pursuing your dreams, don’t give up on them–they are worthy and you deserve what you have worked so hard for.

QUOTE: Telling someone the truth is a loving act-Mal Pancoast

WRITING TIP: Don’t be afraid to seek out people who know more than you. Their knowledge can only add to yours.

                    A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS

Didn’t they sing that song AND I RAN, back in the eighties? Geez it looks like they added a few band members since then. Wonder if they still sound the same?

QUOTE: I love to laugh, and laughter is one of my favorite things. When you have a really good laugh, you feel great afterwards-Bill Engvall

Writing tip- don’t just say that your character laughed, describe it.

QUOTE: The ocean is more ancient than the mountains and freighted with the memories of the dreams of time–H.P. Lovecraft.
  (Geez, what beautiful inspiring words!!!)

Lovecraft was an author of horror and the macabre during the turn of the century. He died penniless, never having achieved the fame or recognition that he did posthumously. He lacked the confidence and whatever it took to promote himself. (I bet a long lost family member got all the dough)

WRITING TIP: grow a pair, promote yourself or be like Lovecraft.

    Working on the first truly only romance novel I’ve ever done SOMETIMES A BOOK IS JUST A BOOK–no historical fiction, no murder, just pure LOVE (oh my!). Been pulling out all the old love songs and watching all the old romance movies I can get my hands on. (gotta put myself in the zone) Hell, writing murder books is a lot easier than dredging up all that mushy stuff. Anyway, here is an excerpt. 

     Callie loved when Doc touched her, when he spoke, when he laughed. She loved everything about him. The way he walked, the way he held himself, the way he straightened his shoulders when he was serious about something.
     He must have felt the same way about her too or he wouldn’t touch her hand like he did, hold her gaze for so long–he wouldn’t move in so close that she could feel his breath on her neck. He must feel the same way or he wouldn’t do those things. Would he?

I’m about one-third the way through with the book and am now researching stuff, talking with professionals that add to the authenticity of the story. I meet an artist today that may be able to construct the cover for me. Still gnawing on what I want.
QUOTE: Mysterious love, uncertain treasure, hast thou more of pain or pleasure!…..Endless torments dwell above thee;yet who would live, and live without thee-Joseph Addison
QUOTE: I’m scared to love again….I’m scared to get hurt again…I’m scared of being lied to again. I’m scared of being thrown away like garbage–whisper.
WRITING TIP:  If your character is confused, don’t say it–show it. show how it feels, write how it feels.

This is a photo of the haunted house I visited the other day–an interview for Livin’ Out Loud magazine–the article should be out next month.
This was a very interesting interview–I keep meeting interesting people–I’m blessed.

Trip to Morehead and writer’s luncheon at Floyd’s Restaurant was very  nice–Never had a better shrimp sandwich in my life! Thank you, those who attended and thank you for the kind comments on my presentation. Hope to come back soon.

QUOTE: You don’t meet people by accident. There’s always a reason, a lesson or a blessing.
WRITING TIP: write the contours of what you feel, think and believe.

Always thought that if I was going to come back as something it would be a dolphin, but on second thought, perhaps a sandpiper would be better. Dolphins are hunted by several predators, among them the killer whale. Sand pipers, on the other hand don’t seem to have many predators..and they are such care-free critters. They always bring a smile to my face. Try as he may, Joey (my dog) hasn’t caught one yet. Ah…real life is so much better than television or anything on a screen.
Speaking of good things, I had a delightful interview with a very interesting woman yesterday–Barbara–she lives in a haunted house (so apropos for upcoming Halloween) Anyway, hopefully Livin’ Out Loud Magazine will be running that article in the October issue. More about her later.

QUOTE: The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them–Ernest Hemingway.

WRITING TIP: Trust that part of you that feels right, even if it is wrong.

Will she or won’t she? That is the question. Looks like Irma is poised to strike our area and she looks like a real bitch. Mother Nature does what she wants. Mother Nature is angry-she wants her island back. Remember–1954 Hurricane Hazel, cat 4,  hit us head on during high tide and a full moon. Hazel wiped away what had been built in preparation for the swing bridge. It took another year before our little bridge came into use. Maybe our Mother is trying to tell us something. Or perhaps it’s just wishful thinking on my part.
Barrier islands are designed to protect the mainland–so why the @#*! have the dunes been destroyed?  JUST A THOUGHT.

Pretty flowers in the marsh.

September 13, I will be teaching a seminar in Morehead City at Floyd’s at 400 Bridges Street. Hope to see you there.

QUOTE: “just because something isn’t a lie does not mean that it isn’t deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction-” Criss Jami

WRITING TIP: Is your antagonist a liar? Pull from your experiences to create him or her. We’ve all been lied to.

Coming up the Intracoastal, some places are quiet and serene. This is nearly untouched, and what has been touched has been done so with respect and desire to protect the integrity of the area.
QUOTE: Some see a thing and see only price, others see it and see its value. (I think this was Oscar Wilde-not sure. But he has a quote very similar. This quote epitomizes my sentiments toward Topsail. Someone (or several) looked at it and thought- Wow, nothing’s here. I’ll make lots of money developing it. Others looked at it and saw the simplicity of its beauty. (Greed sucks)
WRITING TIP: Sometimes bare bones says the most.

Of the thousands of people I see at the markets or other local places only a handful have said they are glad the swing bridge is going. Most people see the bridge as a landmark and express the sentiment that coming across it means it is time to relax, slowdown and enjoy our quaint little island.
BUT NO-DOT knows best !@#$!^^**.–is all I have to say about that.

QUOTE: Being in a hurry. Getting to the  next thing without fully entering the thing in front of me. I cannot think of a single advantage I’ve ever gained from being in a hurry. But a thousand broken and missed things, tens of thousands, lie in the wake of all the rushing…through all that haste I thought I was making up time. It turns out I was throwing it away–Ann Voskamp

WRITING TIP: You can no more rush your character’s development than you can rush learning who you are.