Posted by Carol Ann Ross on July 5, 2017 in Uncategorized.
What a fantastic 4th of July. Shrimp on the barbee, burgers and good friends. It was a quiet night—huh? watched everything from afar–from the dock–must have been seven shows going on from Hampstead to Holly Ridge–we saw so much from a distance.
QUOTE: Everything wasn’t meant to be chased. Certain things were made to be admired from afar.
WRITING TIP: stand back and observe your characters.
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on June 28, 2017 in Uncategorized.
There’s something about some beings that sets them apart–something that catches the eye and says I’m special-you’ve never met something like me before and never will again.
It happens rarely, I guess that’s what makes it special–makes it dear, rich and sweet–makes it the answer to some dormant question.
There was this little mare once, Star, we had a connection and she made me dizzy when I wrapped my arms around her neck. I drowned in her eyes. She was something special.
Some people make me feel that way. I don’t know why. But something comes across in the glimpse of an eye-the window to the soul, and it says I’ve lived or I have a secret so powerful it changed my life. Want to hear it?
Ironically, there are no words for it, or at least simply saying words falls short. Still, I rush to hear their promise.
I found this little guy (starfish) on the beach this morning–all alone–and so many people had walked past where he lay. I felt as if I was meant to pick him up (before the gulls pecked him apart) and took it as an omen, a good thing, that there really are things that are meant to be and that if I am still enough, they will find me.
QUOTE: the world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it-Rupi Kaur
Writing Tip: does what you write make sense?
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on June 24, 2017 in Uncategorized.
Yesterday I was doing my daily walk–early AM, I mean EARLY, and I came upon a pair of sunglasses. This is not unusual, I find stuff all the time as I walk (hats, glasses, knives,etc) so I thought, I’ll give them to one of my friends. Well, lo and behold one of my friends was walking his dog on the beach–I saw him in the distance, walked the steps to his beach house and showed him my find.
Long story short, they were Costa sunglasses and not knock offs either. The real thing. My friend, Jim affirmed that, he would know (with the help of his computer)
These I keep. These I need, don’t I? After all, isn’t it chic, fashionable stuff that makes us important–takes away all ills, sadness and all other sorts of crap. Well, the moment I tried them on–holy moly! I became younger, prettier, more intelligent, kinder, more understanding, a better person all around! Amazing what expensive stuff will do. I’m going to have to try this sort of thing more often.
I think I can tell the difference between the Costas and the Panama Jack’s–yes, yes, I think I can!
QUOTE: It has always seemed strange to me…the things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self interest, are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second–John Steinbeck.
WRITING TIP: Find that place that is the sweetest place to write from.
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on June 21, 2017 in Uncategorized.
QUOTE:”How the holy and the profane mix in the light of day…is sometimes the most beautiful thing in this world…After failure and defeat, a concentration upon certain beauties …can lift the wounded past roundness”–Mark Helprin
WRITING TIP: I try to avoid writers who detail their characters idiosyncrasies and never refer to their souls. It’s like biting into an apple, hearing the crunch but never tasting it.
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on June 19, 2017 in Uncategorized.
For the last few years I’ve been trying to do what every aging person does, stay healthy, stay as fit as possible. It’s the vanitything or the I can’t believe I’m actually getting older thing. Whatever it is, I do it and I’m putting up the good fight—at least what my pocketbook will allow—the right creams, hats, exercises, and walking. That’s my big thing, walking. Every morning I walk three miles and when the tide permits, I do my walking on the beach. I’ve found that the ocean breeze sort of keeps the sweat from puddling in certain parts of my body. And besides, you can’t beat the view. (Young Marines running and exercising) No, no, it’s the ocean—really—it’s the ocean.
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on June 14, 2017 in Uncategorized.
I am always fascinated by old men and dead men–guess they are the safest (hardy har har) But really. this man pictured above is truly one of the most fascinating people I’ve ever met. His name is Monty and he is 94 years old. He was in World War II and spent most of his time on a transport ship delivering young Army soldiers to their destinies. I can only imagine how his life experiences have molded him. Nonetheless, his brilliant shining eyes, belie a knowledge and understanding of life that is beyond words. Livin’ Out Loud magazine should have an article (written by moi) coming out in the near future. I’ll let you know when. In the mean time, feel blessed that men like Monty walk the earth.
Quote:When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in– Kristin Armstrong
Writing tip: Listen to people who are old (or older than you) they know secrets to happiness.
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on June 8, 2017 in Uncategorized.
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on June 5, 2017 in Uncategorized.
Oh goody, goody, goody! And a couple of jumps for joy! Here is my new baby! It’s almost here.
Don’t ya just love the picture of the tower–so ominous. Yep, bad stuff is happening at the tower–oooh.
The photographer is Chris Van Atta, a local dude with gobs of talent for seeing what is around him and capturing it at just the right moment. Geez, we have so many talented people on Topsail Island.
So—stayed up late last night to add the finishing touches–nothing is easy when it comes to producing a book. But it is all a labor of intense passion–so rewarding.
Hope you like this book. Differing opinions from my beta readers on the content, but one thing holds true about THE TOWER– it is most definitely filled with more complexity and profundity of thought. One reader said that she got to truly know my characters this time around. Ah well, hope it proves a good read for many. This will be the last murder for a while. Working now on that lil’ ‘ol luv story, y’all.
Oh yes, and please come to Surf City Summer Market on Tuesdays and Pillage the Village Arts and Crafts market on Thursdays in Topsail Beach and don’t forget, all of my books are on sale at The Mermaids’ Purse–a really cool spot with even cooler arts and crafts from locals.
THE TOWER will be out next week –
QUOTE; It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise other than analytic- Edgar Allan Poe
WRITING TIP: Someone said to write what you know, sometimes I think I know very little. If a little is all you know, then write just a little. It is better than writing a lot of idealized reality.
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on June 2, 2017 in Uncategorized.
Hallelujah! A day without rain–or at least a morning without rain. Yesterday’s market at Topsail Beach was fantastic! the photo above was taken around 9:20 a little before the market opened. We stayed pretty busy throughout the day and closed at 3 PM. There is a new addition this year, we now have an Italian Ice vendor. Yippee! Sure helps keep the days a bit cooler. Thanks to all of you who purchased from me, hope you come back for the latest installment of my mystery/murder books, due out in a week or so-THE TOWER. I promise, it will be out soon–the cover photo had to be perfect and I think it is now.
Hope to see you at Surf City Summer Market on Tuesday -IF IT DOESN’T RAIN. Yes, we have been rained out the two previous Tuesdays, but this Tuesday promises to be a pretty day, so come on out and enjoy all 30 some vendors-food and farmer’s market, wine, and all other kind of stuff.
QUOTE:Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become-Steve Jobs
WRITING TIP: Your reader knows when your heart is not in your work.
Posted by Carol Ann Ross on May 27, 2017 in Uncategorized.
Real dunes at the south end of the island. If you check out the photos on the outside of the library in Sneads Ferry you’ll see a picture of the dunes when they were big and voluptuous; fishermen have their dory ready to take to the sea. Geez, they were gorgeous dunes then. All this dune-age brings me to info about my new project–JUST ADD WATER–the title of the book I have just begun. This will be a bit different from my last three books- this will be a romance-sort of. Anyway, my characters Murdoch, Callie and Rick are well on their ways to living, loving and conniving. Ahh–such is life! The opening chapter has to do with dunes, or the lack of them. It’s always exciting beginning a new project.
QUOTE: Wit as an instrument of revenge is as infamous as art is a means of sensual titillation–
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Writing Tip: There was a line in a Stevie Ray Vaughn song-‘life by the dropper full’- squeeze the dropper when you write.