We’ve all got them…a mom and dad. These are mine.
This photo was taken in 1944 at the Swing Club in Hollywood, CA. World War II was raging in Europe and Daddy had just left Samar–a little island in the Pacific (big battle was there at that time). I’m not too sure about the specifics, but my father’s records say he was there–he was a Corpsman–so I guess he was busy–anything else, he would never talk about. All I know is that he was an interesting man. He was tough and had such integrity.
Keeping my parents alive, plus the other folks in my life, is what I do. My father, mother, all the cool characters I’ve met and known–loved, laughed with, hurt with, been a victim of, are in the pages of my books. Their personalities are emblazoned in my brain–I see them as clearly as if they are sitting beside me. Man oh man, writing is such a fantastic thing to do. Thank you Jesus!
This Saturday, Nov. 3, the Jacksonville Library is having their 2nd annual AUTHOR FAIR. Local authors will be their to share their wealth of experiences and vast imaginations thru their books. Please come–from 2 to 4–the library is located at 58 Doris Ave.
C U there.
As far as I know this is the only tower on Topsail Island that has not been refurbished. I often wonder why–why the person who owns it lets it stand and rot. I have no clue who the owner is, but find it sad that this piece of history cannot be restored and used as a historical site or simply sold to someone who might love it a bit.
As a kid, I used to jump out of such towers, but back then there were huge sand dunes to land in.
These old Operation Bumblebee observation towers and the ramjet powered missiles they observed were part of a program after WWII that morphed into Cape Canaveral in Florida. Cool huh?
I think it’s important to remember our history, after all, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it-as Santayana once said.
Our island’s history makes it more interesting, makes it more than just a play ground. There’s an old WWII warehouse still being utilized, old barracks, now used as part of a church and another as apts. Then there is the rich history of seine fishing on the island and our little swing bridge. Of course, so much of this can be found in my historical fiction trilogy. (Had to promote myself a little) but there are other wonderful books about Topsail that have lots to tell. Please read them.
This is a horseshoe crab. Ugly as blue mud, ain’t it?
I know if you have spent much time on the beach, you’ve seen some of these critters. They are prehistoric looking, wouldn’t you say, but they are important little creatures–more important than you know. I’ve collected a few facts about them you may find interesting. For one, they have blue blood. (and you thought you were important) And since they are true blue bloods they are protected by the royal families of the world…..NO, NO, NO, not true. ha ha ha. They have blue blood for some scientific reason that I can’t explain. (Go on line and find out, if you really want to know) Still, these critters are very important, their blood clots only in the presence of endotoxins. Their blood enables the detection of bacterial endotoxins in intravenous drugs and medical equipment. Wow! and you thought ugly meant useless, well, we learn something new every day-don’t we. (I know there’s an analogy in there somewhere) Another little fact about the horseshoe crab–females are much larger and they too (like the sea turtle) lays it’s eggs in the sand. Momma horseshoe crab lays over 60,000 at a time.
Ah yes, the analogy–like Forest Gump always said “Pretty is as pretty does,” now I will look at the ugly horseshoe crab with new respect and consider the beautiful things they do for our world.
Oh yes, once their blood is harvested, they are released back into the wild. Good scientist, good boy–now sit.
As you may well know, in most of my books I do include some righteous indignation on the part of one or more of my characters–SHARK’S BREATH will be no different.
I am not the lone ranger when it comes to the lengthy period of time it is taking to get our beach cleaned, of course , there is nothing I can personally do about that. So, I’m determined to find out what could be done; what could have been done, and am going to talk with an environmentalist – all the arm chair stuff doesn’t get anybody anywhere. In the mean time–I thought my readers might enjoy a little excerpt from the work in progress, Shark’s Breath:
He walked curtly into the next room and hit the button finding the “Luck be a Lady” tract on the Sinatra CD. He sang the title phrase, sauntered back into the bathroom, through to his bedroom, opened the drawer to the bedside table and removed an envelope.
His eyes scanning the pages, B.D. grinned broadly. “Bitch, she buys me a used car and she’s getting a million dollars.” Twisting his body to the rhythm of the song, he released, “stick with me baby, I’m the one you came in with.”
B.D. slid the envelope back into the drawer, and removed his jeans and Henley shirt. He snapped the waistband of his briefs against his tight stomach, pulled them down, then threw them into the hamper before entering the shower.
Musing about the differences between he and his sister, B.D. lathered his long hair, sneering a bit as he recalled her jealousy. ‘It’s not fair, you got all the good features,–the great cheek bones, the damn foot long lashes, and great hair. I’d kill for that hair.’ How many times had he heard that from Eleanor growing up.
Funny, he thought. I’m the one that’s having to do all he killing, not her. “But things are going to change now, big sister. Maybe Human Resources would be interested in the squalor you live in, the parade of men you run through your legs and the way you treat your daughter. Maybe Uncle B.D. needs to gain custody of the little doll.”
The bar of soap in his hand, he lathered his belly and imagined Eleanor finding the will gone from her jewelry box. “Stupid. My sister was always stupid. What did she think?” He chortled loudly, and exited the shower, beginning a grooming process he had honed to perfection.
QUOTE: “The essence of lying is in deception, not in words.” John Ruskin
WRITING TIP: Do you have to be a good liar to be a good writer. I think not, at least for me, writing is all about the truth, even if it is about a fictional story.
Amazing how the clouds take form. Just the other day I was on the beach and it looked as if a city was on the horizon. WOW! (didn’t have a camera at the time)The majesty of it all puts things into perspective, reinforcing the belief that so much is not in my hands. That’s kinda nice–less work for me. I don’t have to save the world or anything like that. And it leaves me time to do the things I love, like walking on the beach which is nigh impossible these days without breaking the law. Alas–the ocean is what heals all the little broken parts, so Mr. Policeman, consider the bohemian soul whose air is that vast expanse, whose blood is the little gifts it leaves at my feet.
QUOTE: “We are all broken, that’s how the light gets in.” Ernest Hemingway.
Writer’s note: The Mermaid’s Purse is now accepting self published or small press published writers of worth. Come check out the new expanded book section or contact me.
Nope, leaping 15 feet from what is left of the crossover is out of the question–sliding down the sand works ok, but getting back up is hell. Sneaking under the keep out sign works okay too. Anything for some cool looking driftwood and I gotta have my toes in the sand.
I will say that hurricanes are part of living at the beach. Sand in your bed is part of it. Sharks, stingrays, humidity, thunderstorms and so much more that isn’t sweet and nice, are part of what the ocean life has to offer. Love it or leave it cause you ain’t gonna change it.
QUOTE: ” If a hurricane doesn’t leave you dead it will make you strong, don’t try to explain it, just nod your head, breathe in, breathe out, move on.” Jimmy Buffett
WRITER’S TIP: God bless those of you who suffered damage.
Oh what a beautiful morning. But then every day at Topsail is beautiful. Was talking the other day with someone (a stranger) about how blessed we are to get to look at the ocean whenever we want–contemplate its vastness–and what lies beneath, and why. What a great conversation we had. I appreciate those little surprise gems. Like my father used to say “wonder what the rich people are doing today.” It surely does not take money to appreciate beauty. And it doesn’t take dough to make you appreciate yourself and how blessed you are to be able to behold beautiful things.
This new book SHARK’S BREATH, has a little in there about self appreciation–about beauty. Of course, it might be a little twisted, but nonetheless, everybody wants to feel important, appreciated, attractive in some way. In SHARK’S BREATH, a few beautiful people have been added to the mix, but we all know you can’t tell a book by its cover. What’s that Forest Gump used to say–“pretty is as pretty does.”
Steadily moving forward with this 5th book in the Topsail Island series.
QUOTE: “Beauty of expression is so akin to the voice of the sea.” George Matthew Adams
WRITING TIP: Open yourself up, let your imagination go free. You can always delete.
Memorial Day to Labor Day–the summer tourist season for Topsail Island. 2018–the last year the swing bridge will be in use. I will miss it, and the clackity clack I hear when coming into Surf City. (so many memories–so much life!) However, a part of me–the curious part–awaits the new cement snake. I have bets running with folks about whether or not this new bridge will actually help the traffic flow. I hope so, and I trust that the big dogs made the right decision about this change.
Ah change–Seems there is always something new happening. Just yesterday I found a new gray hair. I’m sure more are to follow. Embrace the change! Hmm–Climate change, change of life, pocket change, changing tides–so many changes.
(for real!–when was the last time I heard about hope and trust and change?)
QUOTE: “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw.
Didn’t Aretha Franklin sing a song called “change, change, change.” OOPS! sorry that was “chain, chain, chain-chain of fools.”
I still don’t have a good camera, nonetheless, the other night I took the shot of the full moon over the ocean. Then I spent hours pouring over poems and quotes by famous people to try and explain the thoughts and feelings such a site evokes in me. Alas, I finally thought that I might come up with something of my own. Well, give me a few days and I just might. In the meantime I think the following will do just fine.
A DIVINE ROMANCE by Gordana Biernat
The sea makes love
to the moon at night,
silently inviting
its silvery light,
moving slowly, reaching the shore
reflecting the moon
once more.
For no other reason than love
the dark below
meets the light above,
forever entangled
in luminous dance,
the moon and the sea,
a divine romance
According to those who know, our little swing bridge will be gone by March 2019. And as I wrote last week, the times they are a changing so unless you have the $$ to buy this structure, and preserve it in some way, it will be gone. GONE! A few years back I called DOT and they assured me that the bridge was to be sold for scrap–so much for nostalgia and history. It is now useless POOP–throw it in the crapper. If you think about it, it makes sense–in Bizzarro world. Remember that world? I first read about it in Superman Comic books. It was a world where everything was bass ackwards. For instance–the law states that there will be no building on wetlands– (unless you have enough money and/or kiss the right ass). All the canal streets are wetlands. The corner of 50 and 210 were once wetlands. tsk, tsk. Surf City is supposed to be a family beach, but there are no lifeguards. When I’ve asked the city council about this I’ve been told there is not enough money–yet I see manicured curbs. I’m pretty sure manicured curbs cost money year round. Lifeguards would only be needed 3 months out of the year (go figure). But the one that really gets me the most is the one about building ON the island. I believe our fair state does employ scientists and I’m pretty sure they went to college–so–they should know how nature works, how sand bars shift and change. TOPSAIL ISLAND IS NOT AN ISLAND IT IS A SANDBAR! Surely they have to know this!!!!!!!!!. (sometimes there aren’t enough exclamation marks) So–why does the state allow people to sell land that is going to shift and change? Something is stinky somewhere. Alas, there is no monopoly on stupid and no monopoly on greed. It’s everywhere and there is always an excuse or explanation–some sort of justification.
I’m pretty sure all this venting will dissipate as March 2018 nears–it’s my way of transitioning–accepting the inevitable–or maybe I just like to bitch.