This is the back cover to PELAGIC. The blurb will give you an idea of what the story is about. PELAGIC means deep water.
QUOTE: “Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with memories and the dreams of time.” H.P. Lovecraft
Writers Tip: I’ve got a writing class coming up – come join us. We have lots of fun and we learn a few things too.
Here it is-the new book. This is a true romance novel. True, not in the sense that it really happened, but true as in only romance. My other books have a little romance in them, but the trilogy is historical fiction/romance. And the murder books –well, the romance in them is…very little. PELAGIC is a love story-all about all that mushy stuff we women like so well.
PELAGIC will be available on Amazon in about three days. I’m hoping to have it in the local stores by the end of the month or the first of March.
The cover is a watercolor, beautifully done by a local artist-Leslie Campbell. Isn’t she great?
I truly hope my readers like this book. please let me know, I love feedback.
Coming this summer in Holly Ridge. 40 vendors, petting farm, produce, plants, face painting, music, food and so much more. Check out our Facebook page — its got all the info you need.
Also — I’ll be teaching a creative writing class at CFCC, starts 2/26. Check it out on CFCC page and sign up. WE always have lots of fun and learn a lot.
Last night’s sunset was so spectacular I had to stop and take a photo. I pulled into a beach access –sort of–it was an access for utility vehicles only. One photo turned into several and the seconds ticked by, turning into minutes.
“But I was only going to stay a second,” I told the officer. He smiled and nodded his head. “May I see your licence?”
“You know I’ve lived on this island for a long time,” I stated confidently.
The young officer was polite, secure, and once again offered me a smile as he took the licence from my hand and called in the number. Not in the least intimidating, the young officer apologized for having to check me out for being parked where I was.
“Just doing your job,” I replied.
He nodded and repeated my number to the dispatcher.
“How old are you?” I asked.
“Twenty-one.” He answered.
Geez, what was I doing when I was twenty-one. being stupid that’s what I was doing. And here was this young person, younger than my own children, who had chosen a path requiring maturity, confidence and purpose. I had very little of those qualities when I was that age.
Long story short, I didn’t get a ticket–I did get several photos of that glorious sunset and met an outstanding young person. Life is good.
QUOTE: “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” Albert Einstein
WRITING TIP: What is so cool about writing is that you can manipulate your characters without feeling guilty about it.
What a beautiful morning. sparkly, sparkly –like diamonds, my favorite kind. Working on THE MERMAID DID IT– endeavoring to create a friendship between a couple of my characters and make it as real as possible. Hmmm–just how do friends treat friends? What do friends expect from one another? Honesty–how does that play in friendships? Well, it’s a work in progress–the characterization.
QUOTE: “To throw away an honest friend, as it were, is to throw your life away.” Sophocles
WRITING TIP: every pencil has an eraser. every keyboard has a delete. Sometimes people are not what they appear to be.
A beautiful sunset–always, on Topsail Island. The search for the right picture for the cover of PELAGIC continues. Wasn’t sure I wanted a surfboard in the photo, but low and behold as I was snapping away, a young surfer with the absolutely correct surfboard walked by–long story short, he let me use the board for a few minutes–thank you Kyle the surfer–he was surely an omen.
QUOTE: “Learn to recognize omens, and follow them,” Paulo Coelho
WRITING TIP : I find that trusting “omens” justifies my gut feelings–this works great when writing–it reassures me that I should go in a particular direct. Yes, it works very well until I get another gut feeling that I should go in another.
February 24, 2018 Sugar Island Bakery will be hosting an author signing. Five local authors will be attending. (More info on the authors will be posted shortly)This should be an outstanding event with. authors answering questions, telling you a bit about their books and sharing the writing experience. Hope you’ll be there to enjoy the ambiance with a warm drink and one of the bakery’s yummy desserts.
Hmm—how’d that happen? At least I still have my arches. Oh yes! this is a blog about writing–Started my new book THE MERMAID DID IT (the fourth in the murder series). Learning lots of stuff.
PELAGIC–the love story– is at the editor’s. Hopefully it will be out the end of this month. Got my fingers crossed.
I was reminded, as I wrote the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT page for PELAGIC, of how much I learn when I write a book. So many people offer ideas and info, even inadvertently, I am always learning.
We do nothing on our own, sometimes others carry us, hold our hand, point a direction or stimulate us in some way. Isn’t that like, WAY COOL.
QUOTE: “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” – Bruce Lee
WRITING TIP: Never think you do it alone–research and listen.
The pelicans are out and about, love watching them glide through the sky. I still think they look like prehistoric pterodactyl creatures. Makes me think about time and exactly what it is.
QUOTE: “Time is like the ocean, always there, always different-” Ogden Nash
WRITING TIP: often when I write I lose track of time and before I know it hours have passed and I haven’t even noticed. I love those times when there is not time, when I am lost in my art. This is the goal.
Obviously it was a frigid night. But what a beautiful morning as I awoke to all the snow. Hope it hangs around for a few days, it is so beautiful. Sharing a few pictures I took while walking on the beach this morning.
too pretty for words
snow angel
little sandpipers, their feathers puffed out for warmth
not much traffic.