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  QUOTE: “The cream of enjoyment in this life is always impromptu. The chance walk;
the  unexpected visit; the unpremeditated journey; the unsought conversation or acquaintance”- Fanny Fern

Joey, Detective Dog, waiting anxiously for the perpetrator of the latest round of crimes in Surf City. Yes, he knows THE MERMAID DID IT and is on the look out for Carol Ann Ross’s (4th in the series) book (due out next summer). It might be a long wait, but he’s always on guard.

the bank of clouds as I came across the span bridge this morning was breath taking. Love this kind of weather–my church is in prime mode on days like this. Thank you God.
QUOTE: “My soul is full of longing for the secret of the sea, and the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me”- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

My what a foggy day today is. There’s a kind of  comfort though, in the mist that wraps around you–it’s as if the sea is kissing you.

QUOTE:Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way”– E.L. Doctorow

Early morning (of course, the early mornings are getting later and later this time of year), nonetheless–early morning on the sound. Beauty always softens the heart, makes you want to love and be loved. 
QUOTE: “Not everyone will have the heart you have. Not everyone will appreciate you and what you do for them. It won’t be easy having a kind heart in a cruel world. Be prepared.”
WRITING TIP: Angst–how do you portray angst in your writing?  Do you write in a line telling the reader or do you portray your character’s actions and reactions?

JUST ADD WATER-yes, the main character in my new book is a surfer girl. Been fun researching her since surfing was never a sport I picked up. I was always too chicken–especially after I saw the boys surfing and 8 foot sharks swimming alongside them. But Kallie is a tenacious gal. She’ll surprise you with just how tenacious she is. JUST ADD WATER will be out sometime in January.

QUOTE: But more wonderful than the lore of old men and the lore of books, is the secret lore of the ocean-H.P. Lovecraft

WRITING TIP: Research everything! If you don’t you run the risk of looking ignorant.

I never tire of this sight.

Wrapping up the love story I’ve been working on and have decided to change the title once again. It will be JUST ADD WATER and will be a stand alone story–no trilogy or series as with my previous books. (They are all available on Amazon) I have a strong affinity for “Water” and I hope my readers will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

QUOTE: “We are all human beings. We all feel fear. We all love and become confused when we don’t act as well as we would like to. We all get depressed and have feelings of uselessness. All of these things are true and have always been”–Akhil Sharma

WRITING TIP: Writing is finding your way through the haze of confusion.

Early morning Sunday, before AWT, and walking out on Jolly Roger Fishing Pier–still dark outside and man was it perdy. EVERY day I feel blessed to be here, my home.
It has been a wonderful AWT. I met some really cool people and saw others that I hadn’t seen in a year. I’ll next be at Surf City Summer Market on Black Friday. This year the market will be in Hampstead at Cedar on the Green-. SCSM brings so much business to the island. ANYWAY – y’all come out to Hampstead on Black Friday and see our wares–lots of unique, handmade, local stuff.

QUOTE:  A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it-George A. Moore

WRITING TIP: Imagine writing a scene about lying- without saying a character is lying. How does the reader know?

What a wonderful day at Autumn with Topsail. The weather was gorgeous, the music was fantastic and the crowds were huge. Thank you to my returning customers. Coming back for the second and third book in a series means a lot to me. Tomorrow is the last day of AWT so come and enjoy the music and wares the vendors have to offer. The live music is sooo good, the food is great (chicken teriyaki on a stick is super) and everyone is so friendly.

In ten years I’ll look at this photo and think I looked young. The mind plays cruel jokes on us sometimes. Right now I think I look like some old Russian woman. Odd how we view ourselves. Guess the character studies we did in class last night got to me. We had some very interesting people in — a couple locals, a couple from New York. Geez, I’m so grateful when people tell you how they really feel. This semester has been one of the finest I’ve had in a long time. We are trying some new things that really get you thinking, exploring and learning. WOW! it’s fun. Looks like some more fun is on the horizon.AUTUMN WITH TOPSAIL is this weekend. Three bands will be playing music and lots of food, beer, all kinds of vendor stuff, pottery, wood working, leather working, painters, stained glass, beach stuff and MY BOOKS.  Please come join us–the fun starts at 9:30 Saturday morning-or that mean old Russian woman in the picture will have a hissy fit.

QUOTE: Success isn’t measured by money, power or social rank. Success is measured by discipline and inner peace-Mike Ditka

WRITING TIP: a writer gets to know himself/herself better and better the more her or she writes.