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Quote: It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea–Ernest Hemingway.

Yes. Sometimes there are no words.

Quote; Our friendship is an ocean,
stretching far and wide, never ending
and filled with memories, that last a lifetime

that tiny strip at the bottom of the photo is the island-the clouds were spectacular.

Went fishing today with an old friend.
and saw the island from the other side-about ten miles out.
I am so blessed to have such a friend-our memories will never die
we are the kids of Surf City-the first ones.

So it’s hurricane season and everyone has devastation on their minds. This photo of damage done by hurricane Donna in 1960 should help to cement those thoughts of ruin. Sorry, but couldn’t resist jerking a few chains. But things like this rarely happen and more than likely MATTHEW will probably be only a cat 2 by the time it gets here, if it gets here at all. Mother Nature is going to do what she does best and so lets hope if you have a house on Topsail it was built well and if this storm does turn out to be a 2 or less, hope you have a hell of a party in it and ride out the storm in style. If its a 3 or more, get the hell out and pray. To special people whom I care deeply about, God bless and stay safe-stay healthy. 

What an ominous looking day, but a beautiful one as well.
Had our first writing class for the fall term at CFCC last Monday. What a fantastic group of people. Should be an interesting six weeks. We’ll have another come February-come join us.

Stormy day-profoundly beautiful.

Quote:The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed-Ernest Hemingway.

so be kind, you’ll get to heaven quicker.

This morning.

Quote: to know what you prefer instead of humbly saying amen to what the world tells you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive-Robert Louis Stevenson

 The day after the “big” storm. The surfers are out and enjoying the waves.

Little surfer little one–made my heart come all undone–Beach Boys.

These pilings are all that is left of Barnacle Bills Fishing Pier where all (or many) of the surfers used to come. I remember watching from the pier as long 8′ sharks surfed along with the boys. Of course, they were sand sharks. My dear friend Yogi Paliotti told me at those times they did the 10 toe shuffle, pulling in their toes. Alas! those sand sharks did not keep our tough surfers from doing what they loved.

Yes, this is a manatee! Not a common sight here in North Carolina, but nonetheless, there it is.
While visiting friends at Swan Point Marina this beautiful creature came swimming around the finger docks. We threw lettuce and fresh water. Wow! Hope this big guy is safe.

Of course, I do not remember being here, but I’m told I was. This is when we lived in the Azores before coming to TI. They do bullfights a little differently in the Azores. Seems, rather than kill the bull, one is to drag it into the water -or something like that. Obviously, nobody dragged el toro anywhere that day-except maybe the slaughterhouse.
Okay- another cool quote for you writers out there. And having read Jack London’s MARTIN EDEN, I totally agree with the following quote: How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live-Henry David Thoreau.

Super morning. Hazy and muted—soooooooooooooo cool. Quote: Because he loved true things he tried to explain-John Steinbeck.