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Time..keeps flowing like a river (APP)

Love clouds, love the ocean, love the song “Time” by the Alan Parsons Project.  SNEAKY FREAKY  kinda reminds me of that song. There’s a scene in the book where clouds have a definite role. (Anyone who has read the book, give a shout out if you know what I’m talking about) It’s kinda freaky, but if you were around in the 60s, lots of people were doing freaky stuff-not that it was good, it was just the times. I try to imagine how the kids of today look at those times, the 1960s, Some with whom I’ve spoken, say those times were stupid-to others it was cool. Some blame the problems of today on that generation. I guess everyone has a point of view. But every generation blames the one before–well, I’ll be, that reminds me of another song!


Change is good-well, not always. But in this case, I’d say yes-and necessary. I’ve always loved this cover, the girl on the front is perfect as she is posed in front of a 1965 photo of Barnacle Bills Fishing Pier. However, I needed that little strip on the top to tell the sequence of the books from the Blue House Series. Made a few changes to the back as well, but it’s the little things that mean a lot. Now there will be no guessing as to which book is first or second or —YES! I’ve started the third book in the Blue House Series. It is titled, BLOWFISH-and I have decided just what I want for the cover. Man, it’s cool, again a pic from the past. Writing is more than words! It is an entire series of thoughts and erasures and beginnings, research and all kinds of emotions-love it, and thank you God for this little bitty gift.

It’s here!

BOOK SIGNING  1 pm -3:30 pm, August 20th at Barnes and Noble, Mayfair in Wilmington. This event was earlier scheduled for July 2 but was postponed until the 2oth. Hope to see you there. Got my fingers crossed that the new book THE SNEAKY FREAKY  will be available by then. Please check any  of my sites to make sure that it will be-I’ll be sure to post if it comes in. Thank you, my readers, and hope to see you there. 


I’m still debating which photo to use and also what the backdrop will be. Tooling around Sneads Ferry for that and have just about made my decision. The more I search, the more I fall in love with the Sneaky Freaky. The book is now at the editor’s and I am looking for a 2 week window for completion. I’ll let everyone know when it’s out. Always love the new babies! I hope my readers do too. Here is a sneak pre-view, a little excerpt:

“Thanks for driving all the way out here to pick me up, Mim.”

“We are the only two out of the class who live north of Hampstead,” Mim offered as she stood beside the Mustang. “Besides, I like driving down here. It’s pretty, you’ve got a great view of the river.” She walked to the side of the house and peering south to the bend in the landscape, asked, “That’s the Intracoastal, right?

Naomi nodded. “Yes, it turns into the ICW right past that bend and takes you to the inlet and out into the ocean.” Her eyes twinkled, “Roy and I have made the ICW our second home, we spend so much time on it.”

“And that,” Mim pointed across the water to the gathering of brick buildings, “that’s Court House Bay, Camp Lejeune? Wonder how many pass through there before going to Vietnam?”

“No idea,” Naomi exhaled an annoyed breath and changed the subject, “How about that storm last night?”




I’ll be having a book signing at Barnes and Noble tomorrow from 1PM to around 4. So very excited to have this opportunity and am grateful to the managers there for displaying my books. Hope to see y’all at the bookstore at Mayfair in Wilmington,


This is one of the pictures I’m thinking about using for the cover of THE SNEAKY FREAKY. There are lots of poses to choose from so I may be putting others out there. Hope my readers can help me choose. Also, much of the story takes place in Sneads Ferry so I’m wondering if I should use a background shot of shrimp boats or a neat Sneads Ferry landmark or go back to Barnacle Bills or the old swing bridge, or an ocean shot- so many decisions to make. I really do appreciate any suggestions-love to please my readers. Thank you to those who have been reading my books! I know sometimes I do not get back to you through the blog page, facebook responses are better. Thanks again. Carol

Just a little sneaky and freaky

This latest series, The Blue House Series, is nearly another book longer. THE SNEAKY FREAKY, is being wound up and I’m nearing the end of this 2nd in the series novel. This book takes place mostly in Sneads Ferry, but everybody knows that Topsail and the Ferry are kind of like kinfolk. The first book in the series, TOPSAIL ISLAND TANGO,  is out and available on Amazon. A few other stores on the island carry Tango, but it seems they are going faster than I can deliver them. Still I’m expecting deliveries soon.

I’m really enjoying working on the Sneaky Freaky, I like the characters and am getting such a blast talking to people from the 1960s era.  I thought I’d give you a little glimpse into what is going on.


She heard Pittikitie purring as he rubbed against the chair. Its one eye glaring with the flames and the other dull and milky. “You’re ugly as hell. You do look like a devil cat.”

Pittikitie mewed softly and jumped to Naomi’s lap. He lay curled there, purring, his warm body in competition to the fire. Naomi’s hand slid softly against the cat’s fur. “Sorry boy, I don’t mean anything by that. You can’t help being ugly no more than Roy can help that I don’t love him anymore.”

The words startled her.


Our old bridge brings back memories to lots of folks. It reminds those of us who have enjoyed Topsail Island for generations of a different time-a less hectic one for sure. My latest book TOPSAIL ISLAND TANGO, is set during that time, the 1960s, when despite all the chaos going on in the world at that time, Topsail existed in a kind of bubble, safe from all  the hatred filled vitriol of that day. Here’s a little excerpt from the book:

 It had been two weeks since the wedding, just long enough for Mim to say goodbye to her friends and family. And though it seemed like a dream, they were packing, getting ready to leave for Detroit. What at first had seemed exciting was now scary, and the eighteen-year-old felt unsure about the decisions she had made in the last few months. She wanted to wake up from this dream, to be a girl once again, to walk on the beach with her dog and run up and down the sand dunes. Most of all she wanted her father to wrap his arms around her and make everything right again. Oh, how she missed him, and wished he was there to guide her and make things right again.

The 1960s were a blast

I’m sure this was 1967 when short shorts were the thing and daughters loved their daddy’s. I sure loved mine. All kinds of things were happening then, riots, the Vietnam War, bra burning, assassinations-lots of hate going around then. But I think that here on the island, we lived in a protective bubble away from all the harshness that was happening in the 60s. Our lives were much simpler. 

In the first book in the Blue House Series, Topsail Island Tango, I try to bring back those days, but try as I might I I realized that perhaps things were not as simple on the island as I thought. 

Here is an excerpt from TOPSAIL ISLAND TANGO:

Pop’s was the place where you went to get a hot dog and Pepsi. There were dances on the weekends, mostly square dances, but it was fun and offered live music. Whole families went there to enjoy a night out with friends.

In the summertime Pop paid a few dollars to one of the local boys to work as lifeguard and to keep watch on the flood of swimmers that came from small neighboring farming towns like Clinton and Chinquapin, Burgaw and Wilson.

Marines and Sailors from nearby Camp Lejeune came to enjoy the beach, too. They were toned and curious young men, far away from their homes.

At Pop’s you could rent an umbrella to stick in the sand and shade yourself from the sun. You could rent inner tubes or rafts, beach toys, buckets and shovels for the kids, along with suntan oils and lotions, hats, beach towels, flip flops and all sorts of beach paraphernalia.

Downstairs there were even showers for the visitors. Pop’s had everything. The Mermaid Bar, just over the county line, had beer.




Geez, didn’t we look like a couple of ragamuffins back then. This is around 1957 or ’58. The little camera my older sister is holding is a Brownie. She took care of it and used it for years and years. She may still have it.

The building we are standing in front of was our home. It was originally an old WWII barracks  that Daddy made into apartments. I remember riding my tricycle down the long hall before the apartments were completed. Oh, there are so many stories. But I digress, this post is about audio books, something that no one ever heard of way back in the dinosaur days.

I attend several markets throughout the year and so many people ask me if my books are in audio form. Many people can no longer see well enough to read, and then others prefer to listen as they drive.  Because it is so very expensive to do so, I have not pursued turning my books into audio form. However!!! A friend of mine found a program that is much less expensive and so I’m going to give it a shot–see if I can finally get some of my books made into audio books. Wish me luck, please.  God bless you all and please stay safe and healthy.