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This is Pop Jones in 1954 right after Hurricane Hazel destroyed much of “Pop’s Pavilion.” Pop had been a merchant marine in the 1940s and when he came to NC he liked it and stayed in the area. His Pavilion was a gathering spot for the local youth and every Saturday night he held a square dance with live music. During the summer months the place came alive with tourists and fisherman who came to enjoy the Atlantic. Pop sold hamburgers and hot dogs and rented rafts and umbrellas. Now days the old WWII building meets and greets tourists too, but now, it opens its doors as the Surf City Welcome Center.

Sept. 28th I will begin teaching a creative writing class at the new Cape Fear Community College on Hwy. 210. Creative Foundations should be an exciting and interesting class and I look forward to all the fun we’ll have as we explore writing memoirs, short stories, essays or even the great American novel. Come try your hand at expressing and exploring. Please come join us. The phone number is 910-362-7930.

Really nice day on the beach. This fall I will be teaching a creative writing class at the new Cape Fear Community College extension on Hwy 210 in Surf City. It should be a fun class and I look forward to meeting others who enjoy the art of writing. More information will follow in the coming days.

Often people ask me what I think of our little swing bridge being replaced by what Cathy Medlin so eloquently described as-a cement snake.Well, I agree with Cathy and think the whole idea of replacing our historical landmark stinks! We do not need this “snake” – a cookie cutter bridge that all the beach towns along the eastern seaboard are putting in. Oh whoopee! We get to be like everybody else. Our bridge makes us unique.

 Proponents of the new bridge argue that the traffic and population growth warrants such a change. But if you stand at the stop light you’ll discover that over fifty percent of the people who come to Topsail Island , turn right and go south. So,if that is the case, why not put in something that will both cut down on the congestion in Surf City and allow people to get to the south end quicker. How about a ferry. Tourists love FERRYS. I love ferrys.

“Oh, but the bridge is old and needs replaced.” I hear this from a few also. Well, I’m old. Most of my readers are old. So is the Brooklyn Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge, The dome at our capital in Washington DC is old and yet it is being repaired. Don’t we pay taxes to have things fixed?

Well- I guess I can put forth my arguments as long as I want-many of you feel just as strongly, but the powers that be- scoff at any reasoning other than their own. So I write books and stories about the things and people I love. I also write books about dirty birds too.

Wow! I just noticed that at the top of my blog it says that I offer writing tips. Hmmm. Thought about that for awhile and then scrolled down and yep, there it was. I really did begin my blog by offering advice on writing. However, I got very few viewers.

Not to digress, but many times when I’m sitting at either the Surf City Summer Market or Pillage the Village in Topsail Beach selling my books, I do have individuals tell me they are aspiring writers. We often enter into an exchange of ideas, affirmations and “writer talk” that ends with smiles and acknowledgement  that we are kindred spirits. Sometimes, upon request, I’ll offer a tip or two.

Back to my blog being about writing – I guess I should do what I say or delete that sentence. Well, I’ve decided that every once in a while I’ll post a tip or two. Maybe the tips will not interfere with the many pictures I like to post. Posting-pictures is so much easier than having to write down thoughts. Oops, I’m being facetious.

Starting today I will offer a tip on writing. Here goes-Don’t be afraid. Remember you can always tear it up.

And now a picutre: isn’t a picture worth a thousand words?

wish I could have gotten closer to this pelican, but alas, I cannot fly.

there used to be sand dunes all over the island-not just in front of the water. In my own back yard there were three two story sand dunes. Missing those dunes!

Well, the book is off and running. So far most of the reviews have been great. Thank you so much to those of you who emailed and commented. But I must warn future readers-if you have ever been rude to a clerk or cashier, you might be offended. If you are a smoker or even a non-smoker, you might be offended. If you are either from the north or the south, you might be offended. If you’ve ever done anything you regret, you might be offended. I apologize to the rest of the world for not offending you as well, there just wasn’t enough ink in my printer.

Here is WATERLOGGED my new contemporary mystery set on Topsail Island. It is available on Amazon now and I should have copies next Tuesday.

The ocean looked like glass today. Very calm and NO wind. Beautiful day in the shade.