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Creative Writing with Dr. Nagle (podcost) Check out this site to hear my podcast with Dr. Tonya Nagle. It was fun despite wishing I could have done a better job – do I really sound like that?

Just around the corner

Every year around this time I pay homage to the daffodil, my favorite flower. So once again, here is a pic of ‘a host of golden daffodils.’ These jocund flora offer such promise and hope as they burst forth from still cold ground-(the reason I love them). There is always hope even in the darkest hour.

Trying to get through the dreary winter, the daffodil reminds us that spring is coming. And for me, that other wonderful things are just around the corner too-new friends, old friends, things we have no idea will come.

Wordsworth said it best:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

To the people I love and to those whose lives have been difficult this winter, I wish you the joy and promise of the daffodil.

Great luncheon!

J. Manning presenting his newest book at the luncheon.  And it was a great MEET THE AUTHOR LUNCHEON! Thanks to everyone who came and listened to our local writers. The food was great and venue perfect. Thanks to all who helped out.

Local Authors at the Meet the Author Luncheon

Cathy Teoste Richard AndrascikJoey Jones Beverly HeydeCarol Ann Ross Leslie Tall ManningJ. ManningJoe Decicco


This year the MEET THE AUTHOR LUNCHEON will be held at Surf City Gifts, the little shop next to IGA. Surf City gifts has been around since the 50s, so you know it’s stood the test of time. It’s year three for our MEET THE AUTHOR. The first year there was no luncheon and it pretty much stunk-hardly anyone showed up. The second year was a great success, even with all the confusion. This year it will be perfect, or at least, that’s what we’re aiming for. Authors will move from table to table rather than guests. (what chaos last year!-my bad) The menu will once again be shrimp creole or turkey chowder-with roll or corn bread and tea or water. It’s a simple menu but a yummy one, and the price is right-$12.50. These dishes went over well last year, empty bowls were all that was left.

We truly have some great Indie authors in our area. I hope you will check them out. Tickets go on sale the 23rd of this month at Surf City Gifts and Surf City Coffee (the shop around the corner next to PEAK). There are only 40 seats available so get them quickly. C U there. Carol Ann Ross



I love this photo of myself and my best friend. He’s been there through thick and thin and has put up with my BS. (of course he doesn’t have a lot of choice, I feed him) over the years. Thank you God for my little dog Joey. Thank you my friends who have truly been friends and thanks to all of you who have purchased my books. Your kind words keep me going and give me incentive to try harder and be better, not only as a writer but as a person. I am truly blessed (and I know it) I pray that each of you has a wonderful Christmas and that the coming year brings prosperity of heart, kindness, joy and peace when the going gets rough. Thank you and Merry Merry Christmas!

to the tune of…

Those Were the Days, great song if you remember it. Geez I was so shy back then–well, sort of. This photo is of myself and Roger Hanson in 1967-he was in the Marines. I was working at Barnacle Bills as a waitress; he as a waiter and cook. We had great mustard and ketchup fights with the squeeze bottles. I was terribly in love with him; I was his little sister-yep, that’s how he treated me-as he should have. Thank you Roger. Wish I knew how to find him and thank  him for all the guidance (I was going through a rough time at home). He was a Godsend. I hope that over the decades he has found great happiness.

People come and go in a blink but leave profound impressions on us.  Christmas is just around the corner-the time for giving. Give your time, it goes so quickly, but leaves everlasting memories.


Happy Thanksgiving

The Coral Cottage is having a great sale Black Friday. Nov. 29. Saturday, Nov. 30 is the Kris Kringle Christmas Craft Show at the Missiles and More Museum at Topsail Beach from 9:30 to 4:30. Please, everybody come and support your local merchants. Both venues offer some of the most unique items around-and by local artists and crafters. Hope everyone has a wonder Thanksgiving with friends and family.

time goggles

This pic is of the Ross Apartments in the late 50s. I was maybe four of five. The place is gone, I think Hurricane Fran took it out. But looking through those time goggles we all have hanging around our childhoods, those were some good times. The old building was a renovated World War II barracks. I think we were the largest one on the beach since we had a cellar and lock room. I remember riding my tricycle down the long hall as they renovated the place, I also remember the 3 two story sand dunes in my back yard–all the cacti and stickers (sand spurs to yankees), the yucca plants, hairawn muhly and blue stem. I remember running across the empty lot across from my home, stepping lightly, quickly, and avoiding the stickers till I reached the giant sand dunes before the ocean. I was home.

All  these memories are fine and good, and they make great fodder for the writer in me. Combining those nostalgic feelings with the present day, questioning the status quo, realizing that all was not perfect back then, Knowing in my mind’s eye what   is and was true and presenting it to the page. Your characters speak your truth. And ain’t it cool as hell?

QUOTE: “Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.”  C. S. Lewis


I love this time of the year-the way the ocean looks, the crispness in the air (oh, please stay), no tourist season, and a return to feeling, once again, that Topsail is my home. Summer time is just too busy, everyone is trying to make a buck (including me) just to make it through the slow months. These last two months of the year are my favorite, filled with hope and anticipation -Thanksgiving and Christmas, and all the people and things that are important in our lives. We want, we want, we hope, we hope–I know the anticipation of seeing my loved ones and friends enjoying themselves fills me up–don’t need turkey for that or gifts. At this age the joy comes by watching the ones we love enjoy and build their own lives. In this changing world I often worry for those people. Even our little town has its drama. I love Topsail and want to see the best for her so I have strong feelings about the upcoming local elections. But soon this horrible political season will be over and maybe some fences will be mended. God bless the winners and guide them to do the right things. Still, I’m not so naïve to believe that politicians can ever change their strips–all the old adages, you know. My favorite is – don’t pet the snake. Oh well, guess it’s time for that refreshing walk on the beach.

QUOTE:  “In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.” George Orwell  (George Orwell was born in 1903–you see ugliness in politics is not new.)

WRITING NOTE: Just finished up a wonderful writing class at the college. Another will be starting in March. We have fun and learn a lot. Come and join us. Thank you.